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Coastal wetland shore


Simply put;

Conservation is the act of protecting Earth's natural resources for current and future generations. There's a common misbelief that "someone else" is taking care of the environmental health of our community. There's too much at stake for you to not be involved - every little action helps!

Anchor 1
Planting trees
Living Shoreline volunteers
A recycle bin for glass
A pier on a wetland area

St. James and conservation

The overall long-term success of the St. James community will depend on our attention and dedication to preserving the natural heritage of the land. All property owners will, collectively, determine our success or failure. You can help ensure a favorable outcome by becoming an active member of the Conservancy.

Once an extensive coastal pine forest plantation, our area contributed to the region's naval store supplies. In some areas of St. James, you can still see neatly planted rows of pine. In addition, rich marshland to include salt marsh, brackish marsh, mud flats, and estuarine communities provide prime habitat for marine life. This coastal floodplain forest has given way to development so that now, only small fragments remain, such as  some of the 500 acres protected and considered undevelopable. Coastal conservation is an ongoing focus.

St. James Conservancy promotes the wise use of our limited natural resources and encourages the following:

  • Household recycling to reduce landfill. Check out our extensive information pages here.

  • Decreased landscape turf to provide more natural, native plantings. Native plants reduce long-term costs.

  • Consider sharing your property with local wildlife by providing natural food, cover, and places to raise young. Not only will this improve our local ecosystem, it helps to improve your wellbeing too.

  • Use sustainable gardening practices which include reducing turf and using little to no pesticides or chemicals. With all the ponds and drainage ditches in St. James, this is highly important to our health.

  • One of the most valuable thing you can do is write a letter to local and state officials and voice your concern for responsible, sustainable choices in growth, business, transportation and other issues. Please use our "Call to Action" page for support in how to write meaningful letters.

  • Check out our "Resources" page for additional information.

Conservation begins with education. And, it begins in your yard!

Conserving Habitats and Species

Interesting read on conservation from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission.

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